Step 4: Customer Connection
Welcome to the forth and final step of Project: Lifestyle Freedom 🙂
In the previous steps we’ve talked about:
– Finding Alternative Income Sources, Products, Programs & Services which you can create and offer from home, instead on working a normal j.o.b in the system
– How to Build Websites, and how to turn them into Automation Systems/
Marketing Machines
– Creating Marketing/Sales Messages & Material
And in this step we’re going to talk about the final piece of this puzzle, how to find, connect and communicate with your customers before and after they’ve entered the world of your business and you’ve established a relationship 🙂
In this step you will find many different ways, to drive highly targeted traffic consisting of your ideal customer to your website, and ways to communicate afterwards
And if you’re not familiar with all the marketing terms ‘Traffic’ simply means somehow sending visitors to your website
So with that said, lets get into step 4 of PLF 🙂