These days a lot of people are talking about, and teaching how to: “Create a Premium Brand Position”

If you’re going to tell your story as part the marketing for your business, then it’s only natural that you might also want to learn more about Branding and Positioning

What do the terms Brand, and Positioning mean anyway?

From Wikipedia:

“A brand is what distinguishes a company from competitors and create a lasting impression in the minds of customers”

= Being unique, special and extraordinary somehow

“Positioning is the place the product occupies in customers minds relative to competing products”

= Perceiving you as different from your “competitors”, better somehow

These days many people to try to brand, to position themselves as being “professional”, “premium”, looking big and successful, to appear special, extraordinary, unique, premium

And today a lot of so called “teachers” are basically teaching, fake it until you make it…

And many people follow this bad advise and try to change how others perceive them, follow formulas and techniques of how to turn themselves into what is most profitable for business

But the situation is like this:
A real, a authentic man/woman cannot have any brand, any character, any premium

positioning, it’s simply not possible

Because, branding, character, positioning are things that are based on the past, and a real, authentic man lives in the moment, he has no pre made branding plan to follow, he follows and trusts th heart, inspiration and intuition, the small inner ‘voice’ coming from the core, always

A person who has a brand, position, character can never truly respond authentically, from the heart

Because he/she has already planned what to do before the situation arises, he has decided how to act, has rehearsed

From the very start he/she has ideas of how to act, he/she wants to manipulate the situation in a certain way, to get more sales, or to become positioned, perceived as premium, extraordinary, or something else

He/she has already planned what to do before the situation arises, he has decided how to act, has rehearsed

This way he/she looses authenticity, becomes pseudo, fake, he/she smiles not because it comes from th heart, but because it’s good for business

With a brand, positioning, a character, nothing is free to flow from the heart, everything is just pre-planned, managed, cultivated, the smile painted, the gestures impotent, meaningless

Wanting to create a brand/position for business means that he/she does not trust himself, because if he/she acts naturally, then he/she may do something wrong, something bad for business, so he/she hides his real face, and paints a pretty picture to attract people to his/ her businesses, the branding, the positioning

And if you create fame, brand, positioning, you become frozen in that, then you cannot afford to relax, because you constantly have to manage, have to protect the false image, your fame, your reputation, your brand, your position, and this takes much energy to do

And then you cannot move authentically into the future, because who knows, the path might lead you somewhere where fame, the brand, the positioning, the reputation is lost

And only one who has no brand, position, reputation to protect, the one which does not care about being unique and extraordinary, only he/she can relax and move happily through life

These days a lot of people are following the “fake it until you make it advise” trying to cultivate the positioning in mind of their customers of being premium, unique, special, attractive, extraordinary, interesting, and a lot of so-called “teachers” are teaching and advising people to do this..

Almost everybody today is running, trying hard to be unique, extraordinary, and not just people in business, this is just part of what ordinary people do

Wanting to become someone special, unique, premium, is one of the most ordinary and mediocre desires, the more you try to become to brand yourself as exceptional, the more ordinary you prove yourself to be

The ordinary mind hankers to be seen as extraordinary, that is part of ordinariness, and extraordinariness starts only when you don’t try to be extraordinary

When people feel inferior inside, the need to prove otherwise arises, to prove that you are somebody special, premium, and unless you “prove”, and can look at your reflection in the eyes of others, it’s hard for that type of person to be at ease

For example, ugly people always try to beautify themselves, to somehow hide the ugliness, cover it, paint it over, people who feel empty and weak inside try to become somebody big in the eyes of others

And people who feel inferior within, who does not trust their own nature, somehow try to become positioned, branded as extraordinary, premium in the eyes of others

But this cannot fulfill, because just by convincing others that you are extraordinary does not make your extraordinary, deep down the feeling of inferiority remains

Once you become interested in branding, positioning what others think about you, each new act of yours will be a failure, sure it may succeed in terms of making money and things like that in the world, but this success is absolutely useless, because you, and your destiny are not fulfilled by this

If you brand yourself, position yourself as somebody special, extraordinary, your life becomes continually like a circus, a exhibition, and first most people will be very impressed and think that you are very interesting, and they will appreciate you very much, applaud you

But this is not going to last very long, because sooner or later they will start feeling your falsity, because how long can you carry a lie? It’s so heavy, such a burden

And when they start to feel your lies, your insincerity, they will turn on you

So in the long term, branding and positioning is really, shooting yourself in the foot setting yourself up for failure

If you care about peoples approval you will always be their prisoner, one way or another

It’s is rare to find a man who is simply himself, just ordinary, that is the really extraordinary thing, one who is content with himself, one who does not need or look for the approval of others

People are searching, trying very hard to be extraordinary, to brand themselves as unique, special, but when you stop trying it’s already in your hand, it’s already the case

YOU ARE ALREADY UNIQUE, everybody is unique, if you are simply yourself you are unique, totally incomparable, nobody can be you as well as you

“Once, in the middle of the night, there was a man who was very hungry and he wanted to cook some rice, so with a candle in his hand he went about looking for fire, so he could cook his rice, he searched and searched, but he didn’t find any fire and remained hungry all night”

You are unique, extraordinary, you can’t become more unique, it’s like a circle trying to become more circular

When you finally stop the mad run, the chase of being branded, positioned as someone special, when you relax, you will naturally realize that you are beautiful and unique as you are, that uniqueness is already there, it’s already the case, you don’t have to create it

If a rose is beautiful naturally, why can’t man be? Look at children, all children are beautiful, but not all grown ups are beautiful, because society starts to destroy their naturalness

Just be normal, be yourself, trust nature, don’t be fake, don’t paint your face that is what ordinary mediocre people do, people who feel they can’t trust themselves, they feel that if they don’t plan, manage if they are natural something may go wrong

These people who don’t trust in life, in their own inmost core, and want to hide behind brands, personas, positioning, they don’t speak their heart, they will just create a situation where the other is deceived, because they are afraid of being natural

And when one cannot trust his own being, he becomes cunning, starts to plan, to calculate, to manage, to manipulate, to control, because he cannot trust the natural

And the more inferior a person a person feels, the more cunning, the more he tries to prove, to empathize that he is a somebody, and the very wanting to prove means that you’re not

Cunningness, planning, branding, positioning all that is a substitute, a cover up

The more superior a man, the more innocent, he is so superior that he can afford to be innocent, to just be him/herself, to be natural

And real people prefer dealing with real people anyway, not cold nameless, faceless, institutions and corporations

A lot of people make the mistake of trying to look like a big corporation

These days people are becoming increasingly desperate for authentic, honest connection, not the “pc-persona” that most people and businesses project out of fear and/or ignorance.

People are starved for someone to just authentically be themselves, a genuine person not putting up a “mask” or “facade”.

If you do this, people will over time feel that you are not incongruent and start to distrust you, and think that you are not honest and stop doing business with you

Just simply be your self, it’s very rare today and people are starved for authenticity And a false, untruthful, outer mask/persona can’t create a true connection

Do what you love, follow th heart, if you don’t love what you do, you will not be able to send out authentic vibrations, or have a truly authentic enthusiastic attitude, and this will come through

Don’t worry about “competition”, you are unique, different and awesome, like no other 🙂

You have a big advantage over many of your “competitors” out there because you are a real human being, a genuine, authentic person, not a faceless corporation, or trying to model a faceless cold corporation..

It’s impossible to compete with your personality, your unique individuality 🙂

And when we summon the courage to simply be ourselves, we will attract people that truly harmonize with us, vibrate at a similar frequency if you like that expression

So, don’t try to escape from yourself, don’t try to create a cool premium brand and all that, because in the end you cannot be anybody else but yourself

You are already unique, incomparable, special, extraordinary, what you are will never be again, and only you can be what you are

No person on this earth, past present future, has had, has now, or will have the unique blend of talents, gifts, strengths, perspective and personality that you are 🙂

Being unique, incomparable, this is your very nature, and if you try to prove that you are unique, special, that means that you’re not aware of your uniqueness, and if you try to prove you will always remain uneasy, because you constantly have to manage the picture

When you don’t try to be extraordinary, put on a mask and position yourself as premium, only then you will be able to relax and enjoy life more, because you will have more energy left, there is tremendous energy wasted in trying to be this and that

Sooner or later you will realize that you have to be yourself

“And above all, be yourself, everyone else is already taken” -Oscar Wilde