Now we’re going to cover some of the different traffic sources, starting with:

Online Traffic Sources:

There is both online and offline traffic, and we’re first going to cover different types of online traffic,


What is SEO? S.E.O stands for Search Engine Optimization

Which is writing your content, blogs around a specific key word or term you have chosen, a word or a term which when people search for your stuff will appear in the top of the search engine results

People search for that keyword, and then see your stuff in the search bar, click the link, read the stuff, and if your website is designed well a % of those people will join your list, enter your business

I can’t really say much more, and give advise about SEO, because I don’t use and don’t have much experience with SEO in my business

Social Media:

Social Media traffic is really big today with giants like, fb, ig, yt, g+, tw, tu, sc, ps etc Again, I’m not really a social media kind of guy, I don’t use and post on social media,

So I don’t have much experience with using social media either for personal reasons or building social media pages for business reasons, so I’m not going to say much here either

Affiliate/Joint Venture:

This is lining up with friends and partners, endorsing and promoting each others stuff

Ex: Person A emails his/her list telling them to check out person Bs stuff, and they then split the sale 50/50

And the difference between Joint Venture and Affiliates is that Joint Venture implies a closer relationship that merely being an Affiliate, which is just random people signing up for your affiliate program, most shoppingcart providers have the affiliate option built in

However, a lot of people in business just don’t let anyone promote their stuff, you might not want Joe or Johnny on the street to promote your stuff, maybe you want only trusted friends to do promote your stuff?

So here we can make a list of people in your market who you would want as affiliates/ partners/work together with,

Guest Star/Endorsed Traffic:

This is essentially where you appear, or guest star in some else’s product or thing

This person already has a following of people similar to your Ideal Customer, people with proven interest in things like this, people which have demonstrated that they are buyers

And in that following you might find and reach some of your Ideal Customers

Example: You guest star in person As self sufficiency gardening course, telling your amazing secrets of how to grow humongous veggies using magnets, and a part of the viewers will then naturally get interested in you and as a consequence some seek you, and your stuff out

This is often very high quality traffic, since you get in front of proven interested buyers

Do do this can contact people who’s lists we’d like to get in front of and say something like:

“Hey your stuff is really good, and I’d like to make the package even more valuable for your customers by letting you offer my _______ as a bonus for free”

And it goes without saying that it’s obviously better to be friends to do this, rather than trying to convince someone just include you in their thing…