These are things like:
•Business Card

With the increase of garbage online these methods are once again becoming increasingly effective

Each one of these can be designed as a mini sales letter even the business card, and these all have a message which in the end leads to our website, landing page, opt in page

You can even use the business card to drive traffic if you put a offer on it, make one side into a mini sales letter driving people to your website/Marketing Machine
you can, for example on the back of your business have written something like:

“Dear/Attention, _______If you want to _______, (without ______) then going to might be the most important thing you ever do”

It’s the “Halbert Hook” there again, but made to fit for a business card 🙂

Organic Traffic:

Word of mouth etc, this is very warm, and high quality traffic compared to the others types we’ve talked about so far

Happy customers are like your unpaid marketing team, requiting more people continuously Organic Traffic includes both off and online obviously 😛